Study confirms association between tobacco smoke and behavioral problems in...
The scientists observed that the impact of tobacco smoke was especially detrimental during gestation. The results of the study have been published in the current online issue of the renowned journal...
View ArticleExposure to secondhand smoke among children in England has declined since 1996
The most comprehensive study to date of secondhand smoke exposure among children in England is published today in the journal Addiction. The study, carried out by researchers from the University of...
View ArticleSecondhand smoke raises risk of hardened arteries among 13-year-olds
Frequent exposure to environmental tobacco smoke among 13-year-olds is associated with an increased risk of future blood vessel hardening and greater risks of other heart disease factors, according to...
View ArticleChildren living in apartments with nonsmoking adults still exposed
The majority of children living in apartments are exposed to secondhand smoke, even when they don't live with smokers. This study from the University of Rochester Medical Center is the first to examine...
View ArticleAfrican-American infants at increased risk from tobacco smoke exposure
Low levels of prenatal tobacco smoke exposure are associated with a higher risk of developmental problems for African American children than white children, according to new research from Cincinnati...
View ArticleSmoke-free air laws effective at protecting children from secondhand smoke
Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) have found that children and adolescents living in non-smoking homes in counties with laws promoting smoke-free public places have...
View ArticlePuffing in public housing poses serious health risks to tenants
In an effort to protect children from harmful tobacco smoke exposure, health and medical professionals are pushing for a ban on smoking in public housing in a report appearing in this week's New...
View ArticleBaby's first full nappy can reveal mother's smoking
Meconium, the dark and tarry stools passed by a baby during the first few days after birth, can be used to determine how much the mother smoked, or if she was exposed to tobacco smoke during pregnancy.
View ArticleApartment-dwelling children in nonsmoking units still exposed
Children living in apartments are exposed to secondhand smoke even when no one smokes inside their own unit. This study, released online today by the journal Pediatrics, strongly suggests that housing...
View ArticleMost parents support checking them for tobacco smoke exposure
Sixty percent of parents, whether they smoke or not, said they would like to have their children tested for tobacco smoke exposure during pediatric visits, according to a new study released online on...
View ArticleCigarette smoke may rob children of needed antioxidants
Children exposed to cigarette smoke have lower levels of antioxidants, which help the body defend itself against many biological stresses.
View ArticleMaternal smoking may increase newborns' discomfort
A new research study being published in the October 15th issue of Biological Psychiatry suggests that maternal smoking may increase the level of distress of newborns.
View ArticleStudy raises concerns about outdoor second-hand smoke
Indoor smoking bans have forced smokers at bars and restaurants onto outdoor patios, but a new University of Georgia study in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests...
View ArticleLink found between passive smoking and poorer mental health
Second hand smoke exposure is associated with psychological distress and risk of future psychiatric illness, according to new UCL research that suggests the harmful affects of passive smoking go beyond...
View ArticleFrench men are giving up smoking, but not French women
The prevalence of smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke among men in France has fallen by more than 15 per cent since the mid 1980s, but over the same 20-year period has increased among women. As a...
View ArticleStudy examines marketing deception's role in consumer thinking
Heavily marketed as a safer, healthful alternative to smoking, electronic cigarettes are under fire from California health officials who have declared "vaping" a public health threat, hoping to head...
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